Thursday, June 26, 2008

I am absolutely elated with the US Supreme Court's decision to stand on the side of our forefathers and our citizens' right to bear arms. What a major win today! If you haven't taken a moment to celebrate, please do...these kind of wins don't come that often.

Being a major proponent of the 2nd Amendment, I am grateful that the right decision came down as it did. I have authored significant pro-gun legislation in Indiana, including Indiana's Lifetime Handgun Permit and I couldn't be happier. The right to bear arms and to protect ourselves, our families and our properties is a monumental cornerstone of the US Constitution. Whenever an elected official starts talking about "banning" guns or supporting "gun free" zones, it's time to worry. When that happens, the ONLY people with arms are criminals who aren't obeying any laws, let alone gun laws.

In light of this ruling, I again applaud the South Bend Common Council for dropping their idea of banning guns from city owned property in the City of South Bend, Indiana. Today's ruling reinforces their decision as the right one.

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